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Case studies range from an overview of the ELL to pieces focused on various themes that proved to be especially salient across different organizations’ experiences with the ELL.


The Equity Learning Lab: Building the Capacity of Health Organizations to Embed Equity in their Work

An overview of the Equity Learning Lab, including the design principles, values, and foundational theories that shaped the development of the ELL.

Reflecting on Equity: Lessons from Health Organizations

This case study shares insights from several funded partners on the value of the Organizational Reflection Equity Tool (OERT), a framework for helping organizations determine the focus of their next phase of racial+ equity work.

Identifying Entry Points in Organizational Equity Journeys

In this case study, funded partners and ELL coaches share insights and experiences about how they identified entry points to engage in organizational equity work supported through the ELL.

How Personal Reflection and Growth Advances Organizational Equity

This case study focuses on how people navigated their own individual equity journeys to advance their organization’s equity journeys.

Insights from Executive Leaders On Why Equity Work Matters

In this case study several executive-level leaders who actively supported or led equity work at their respective organizations share their reflections and insights about the vital role of executives in leading organizational equity work.

Centering Equity in Human Resources Practices and Policies

This case study explores the efforts of Patient Advocate Foundation (PAF), a funded partner of the ELL, to overhaul their HR policies and practices with an equity lens.
Equity work connects work and your personal life…and we have dehumanized the workspace for so long, having that human [part] be brought into your work life can seem scary. Stephanie Johnson, Research Associate, DASH (Data Across Sectors for Health)